Trail Guides Index


Arches National Park - Utah

Arches National Park GPS Waypoints
Download the hiking and mountain waypoints of Arches National Park, Utah.

How To Photograph Arches National Park
Photography hints and tips for photographing the arches in Arches National Park, CO.

Bryce National Park - Utah

Bryce National Park GPS Waypoints
Download the hiking and mountain waypoints of Bryce National Park, Utah.

Canyonlands National Park - Utah

Hiking Canyonlands National Park - Needles Section
The Needles is definitely a great place for camping and outdoor adventure hiking.

Hiking Canyonlands National Park - Island Section
This area of Canyonlands is very easy hiking and mostly done by driving your car to each overlook.

Canyonlands National Park GPS Waypoints
Download the hiking and mountain waypoints of Canyonlands National Park, Utah.

How To Photograph Dead Horse Park
Photography hints and tips for photographing in Dead Horse Park, CO which is right next to Canyonlands

Grand Canyon National Park - Arizona

Hiking Grand Canyon - North Rim
The North Rim is much less crowded than the South Rim and offers a lot of remoteness and unspoiled experiences.

Bass Trail Head To Powell Plateau - Grand Canyon
Powell Plateau is a backcountry ship or island in the Grand Canyon National Park.

Grand Canyon National Park GPS Waypoints
Download the hiking and mountain waypoints of Grand Canyon National Park, Arizona.

Rocky Mountain National Park - Colorado

Hiking Rocky Mountain National Park
Of all the National Parks I've hiked in, Rocky Mountain National Park has the most variety of hikes... and something for everyone.

Rocky Mountain National Park GPS Waypoints
Download the hiking and mountain waypoints of Rocky Mountain National Park, Colorado.

Zion National Park - Utah

Hiking Zion National Park
Zion National Park offers many different hikes and trails to accommodate all hikers.

Zion National Park Hiking GPS Waypoints
Download the hiking and mountain waypoints of Zion National Park, Utah.

Arizona & Utah & Montana

Photographing The Apocalypse, AZ
Time seems different once I am on the road, which I have always called Apocalypse road. Not one other person has passed on the old thoroughfare as I have put my boots to it.

Slot Canyons of Escalante, UT
Slot canyons have their draw on me. I do not understand all of the reasons why, but they tend to be a place of their own.

Glacier National Park Photo & Visit Tips
If you're looking for outstanding opportunities for both outdoor photography and recreation, Glacier National Park in northwestern Montana ought to be on your list.


Volunteer In The National Parks
By definition, a volunteer isn't normally paid for his or her work, but in some cases there can be other compensation.

Lost & Found In The National Parks
Sooner or later, many of us will experience that sudden feeling of panic while we're away from home. Where's the camera?

Commercial Photography in National Parks
Some of the premier locations for outdoor photography in the U.S. are located in areas administered by the National Park Service (NPS.)

A Year Around the World
With jobs that offer too little vacation time to satisfy our lust for travel and outdoor adventure, there was only one thing for my wife and me to do, Quit and travel the world.

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