How to Create Glowing Edges With Adobe Photoshop

Text & Photographs By Linda Phelps  © All rights reserved.

© Linda Phelps   © Linda Phelps

Sometimes photo of flowers can be a little dark and could use a little brightening to make them pop. Such was the case with this photo of roses that was captured where they sat just inside the open door of a market. (Figure 1)
This is a quick and easy technique that you can have a lot of fun with while trying it on various photos. To find the glowing edges click filters, click styles and then click the glowing edges. For this example The setting were set to the following:

Edge with 4

Edge Brightness 20

Smoothness 9
Now you will see a black image with bright colored lines running around the edges of the flowers. Then go to edit, click on fade and adjust the slider to your taste. The fade on this example was set to 27%. This was followed by a little color burn on parts of the roses (Figure 2). At this point you can add any touch ups that you think will enhance your final image further.

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