Photograph Birds In Jackson & Grand Tetons, WY

Text By Ron Green  © All rights reserved.

The Jackson/Teton area birding terrain is comprised of riparian, lakes, ponds and nearby marshes, sageflats and grasslands, forested foothills and moraines, mountain slopes, sub-alpine and town & settlement areas. Summers are VERY crowded. Mid-September is best.
The best books on finding birds in the Jackson Hole area are:
Finding the Birds of Jackson Hole, Bert Raynes, $9.95, (1994) Darwin Wile / 307-733-6160 ISBN: None Chock full of information, from bird etiquette to bird lists, this book focuses around drive/bike loops and day hikes that cover a diverse terrain and difficulty level. A section is included on birds to look for, best bet were to find the species, and identifying confusing birds. Out of print and hard to find I got one from a used book dealer for $30.00. It was worth every penny.
Birds of Grand Teton National Park and the Surrounding Area, Bert Raynes, $7.95, (2001) Grand Teton Natural History Association / 307-739-3606 ISBN: 0-931895-00-6 Available through the Grand Teton Natural History Association, the text focuses specifically on the terrain and species within the park and surrounding area. Straightforward and direct, color pictures are included with each species, best places to spot and general comments. Available at local Wyoming bookstores and also at Albertson’s in Jackson.
Pocket Guide to Birds of Jackson Hole, Bert Raynes, $1.95, (2000) Homestead Publishing / 307-733-6248 This checklist is also available at the Wildlife Art Museum in Jackson.
A Birder's Guide to Wyoming, Oliver Scott, $16.95, (1992) American Birding Association / 719-578-9793 ISBN: 1-878788-02-7 The author anticipates traveling birders' interest in Wyoming's scenic wonders—as well as its abundant bird life — by taking birders to the state's unique attractions such as Devils Tower, and grand Teton and Yellowstone National Parks, as well as to little-known corners of the state—Powder Rim on the Colorado boundary, the great meadows along the Bear River on the western edge, and the juniper country of the southwest. There are special birds to be found at every stop. Some 40 accurate maps also help guide the birder through these many sites.
Bert Raynes and Darwin Wile also teach courses at the Teton Science School in the summer; "Bird Sitting with Bert" and "Finding the Birds of Jackson Hole" (taught by D. Wile).
Bert Raynes is online weekly with local birding news or whatever suits his fancy at
Other Organizations:
Jackson Hole Bird Club:
A group of amateur birders meets on the second Sunday of every month. Times and places are announced in a local newspaper. Visitors are welcome.
Grand Teton National Park:
Bird hikes are lead by rangers during the summer months; for more information contact the park at PO Box 170, Moose, WY 83012, (307) 739-3300.
Recommended Trails and Areas:
Lupine Meadows, Taggart Lake, South Jenny Lake, Gros Ventre Wilderness (a bio-diverse area with less summer people).

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