How To Stay Hydrated & Increase Performance

Text By Philip Tulin  © All rights reserved.

How do I stay hydrated? The loss of water while paddling can impair your performance and potentially lead to a dangerous situation. Proper hydration is vital for Waterbottle everyone. On average, 64 ounces of water a day is considered optimal, but the need increases with exercise as well as other factors like heat and humidity.
Drink early
Before leaving on your paddle, drink 16 to 24 ounces of water, decaffeinated tea or a sports drink.
Sweat knowledge
Realize that while you sleep, you are losing a lot of fluid (possibly from 1 to 1½ pounds of fluid.
Have liquid readily available
Whether you use a hydration pack or a water bottle, make sure it is convenient to use.
Drink often
Always drink 4 to 6 ounces of fluid every 20-30 minutes. Don't wait until you stop for a break or a rest. Your energy will be stronger when you drink more often. Drink before you feel thirsty because if you feel thirsty, it is probably too late.
Look out for signs
Dehydration signs are dizziness, loss of energy, headaches, anxiety, rapid pulse or hot, dry skin. Stop immediately and rest, drink liquids and have a good meal. If you have ever found yourself starting to make mistakes in judgement on the trail, there is a good chance you are starting to dehydrate.
Eat carbohydrates
Carbohydrates keep you hydrated by pulling in water into your digestive system (1 gram for every 3 grams of water).
Add electrolytes
Drink sports drinks or have salty snacks. Sweat removes (sodium & potassium) and that needs to be replaced.

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