Be Curious And It Will Come

Photography and Text By Philip Tulin © All rights reserved.

You don't have to read every field guide to learn about nature and wildlife. All you have to do is Downey Digital Photography © Outdoor Eyes observe and question. Nature is not as random as people tend to believe. Why does one particular photographer have more sunset and sunrise photo opportunities? Is that person just plain lucky? That person has learned to live in-the-moment and observe all the elements that created that opportunity: temperature, wind speed, wind direction, humidity, time of day, etc. And all the elements of that particular moment have been saved in a memory card that can be recalled for another photo opportunity. Think about a time you walked outside at the beach and smelled the ocean air, looked at the brilliant red sun and felt the warmth on your arms. You definitely knew that it is about to be a great beach day because of your stored memory card that related to the elements of a perfect beach day. Store those memory cards and when you recall and use them, you will have more wildlife photography opportunities.

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